中班英语教案:Happy birthday


  1、学习单词“cake”“gift”“card”,在实物帮助下理解含义,能较准确地模仿发音,在情景中理解“……for you.”的含义。






  1、Teacher and children say “Hello!” “Good morning!”each other.

  2、Teacher and children sing《Nice to see you》together.


  T and C read the rhyme《Horse》.


  1、T and C watch TV of Birthday party.“Where is it?”“Yes,it’s dog’s house.”T come

  in the house, “Oh,This is a TV.Let’s watch TV,OK?”

  2、T and one child show together.

  T: “Hello,I’m cat.Today is dog’s birthday,I’ll go to this party.”

  T: “Ding-Dong!”

  C: “What is it?”

  T: “I’m cat.”

  C: “Come in, please.”

  T: “Happy birthday,a cake for you,a card for you,a gift for you.”

  T1: “Thank you.”

  3、C learn “cake” “gift” “card”.

  (1)T shows and reads “cake” “gift” “card” one by one,C say with T.“What’s


  (2)C reads alone. “What’s this?” “Yes, here you are.”

  (3) T shows pictures,C practice together.

  (4)Game, “Who is the first?”

  4、T shows a picture and reads “A cake for you.” C say with T.

  四、Game “Birthday party”

  1、T show a lot of pictures, “Let’s go to party.Who wants to try?”

  2、C say with T, One child take a picture.

  3、One child and T knock at door practice sentences.

  4、C say with T again.A part of C play the game.


  1、T and C come in the house,say “ Happy birthday.”to dog.

  2、T and C sing《Happy birthday》.


  T and C leave the dog’s house.



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