A Lion and a mouse

  A Lion and a mouse

  One fine day in spring, a mouse came out to the lawn and enjoyed the sun.

  Surprisingly what he thought to be grass was actually Lion‘s mane. The lion awoke from his nap and shouted.

  “What a luck! I was hungry and a mouse is in front of me! I should eat you!”

  “Please, Lion! Don’t eat me! If you just let me go, I wouldn‘t forget this!”

  “What??? You will repay me?”

  The Lion laughed at the mouse. But he pitied the mouse, he set the mouse free.

  After several days, the Lion was caught in a hunter’s net.

  “I‘ll be dead.” He sobbed.

  “Lion! Don’t cry, I‘ll help you!”

  The mouse cut the net with his sharp teeth.

  When the Lion was set free, he shed tears and said, “thank you, mouse. I’m sorry I sneered at you.”

  The Lion and the mouse became good friends.



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