语言教案:rain,rain,go away

  l Objective

  1、The kids are to eak out the words.

  2、Listen ,do and say according to the song .

  3、Act and sing the song.

  4、Words: rain

  Word group phrase: go away

  l Preparation

  1、Picture : rai sun

  2、Piano Tape

  l Presentation

  1、Game: make the sound of the rain.

  T: let’ s make the rain , make the rain by ru ing our hands.

  C: rain.

  2、the teacher sings the song.

  T:let me sing the song . the name is “rain ,rain, go away”.

  What ‘s the name of the song?

  C: rain rain go away.

  3、scene: little children

  T: (it’s su y.) we are the little children. What a beautiful day! I want play outside . (su y turned into rainy.) oh , we can’t go to outside. What shall I do ?

  T&;am C: rain, rain go away . come again another day. Little children want to play. Rain rain go away.(rainy turned into su y.)

  T: wa. wa… we can go out play . we are ha y.

  4、learn to sing the song .

  T: follow me ,please. Let’s sing this song together.

  5、understand the words “rain” and “go away”. All the kids act the animas.(e.g. bird,111nkey…)

  T: (listening the tape :raining ) listen! It’s raining . let ‘s go home .

  6、act out the song.

  T: All the boys ,you are children . All the girls ,you are rain. Let’s sing the song together.



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