英语教案:Purple & Blue


  i. To be able to different blue and purple.

  ii. To be able to say the two words: blue and purple.

  iii. To know something is purple or blue in our lives.

  Difficulty Point:

  Say the two words and know blue and purpl.


  i. Magic duck

  ii. Some blue blue things and some purple things

  iii.A box some blue and purple cards in it

  iv. PowerPoint: Blue and Purple World


  I. Rivison:

  i. Greetings:

  T: Good morning everyone! C: Good mornig, Amy!

  T: There’re many teachers. Let’s say hello to them. C: Good

  morning teachers!

  T: How are you? C: I’m fine, thank you.

  ii. Go over some colour they have learned.( red, yellow, green )

  T: (The teacher show some things.) What colour is it? C: red/

  yellow/ green.

  * The teacher must pay attention to kids’ pronouciations about green

  and red.

  II. Presentation:

  i. To know blue:

  T: (Show Magic Duck to kids) Look. What’s this? C: Duck.

  T: Yes. It is Magic Duck. The duck can change its colour. Open

  your eyes widely. Look here carefully.

  T: (Teacher change the colour of the duck) What colour is it?

  C: Red/ yellow/green.

  T: (Magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) What colour?

  C: Lan se.

  T: Blue. Follow me: Blue.

  C: Blue. (Several times)

  ii. To speak out the word: blue.

  T: (Show some blue things.) What colour is it?

  C: Blue.

  *The teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.

  iii. To know purple:

  T: (Teacher change the colour of the duck) What colour is it?

  C: Red/ yellow/green/ blue.

  T: (Magic duck is changed blue by teacher.) What colour?

  C: Zi se.

  T: Purple. Follow me: Purple.

  C: purple. (Several times)

  iv. To speak out the word: Purple.

  T: (Show some purple things.) What colour is it?

  C: Purple.

   The teacher must correct their pronouciations one by one.

  III. Drill:

  i.The teacher show a box some blue and purple

  cards in it. To ask all the kids to pick out only one card and speak

  out the card what colour it is. The teacher corrects their


  T: What colour is it? C: blue/ purple.

  ii. Game:

  T: Blue blue, stand up. (Who has blue card stands up.)

  T: Purple purple, stand up. (Who has purple card stands


  T: Blue blue, sit down.. (Who has blue card sit down.)

  T: Purple purple, sit down.. (Who has blue card sit


  IV. End-up:

  T: (Watch TV) this is a blue and purple world. Do you like it?

  C: Yes.




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