
  Teaching Plan





  Unit 4 (Period 4)

  Do you often play football?

  Teaching aims and demands

  *Teaching materials: Part 7, 8

  *revision: Do you often go to see films? No, not often. Do you often get up late? Sometimes I do, and

  sometimes I don’t.

  *New words and expressions: clean my teeth, have my breakfast, have my classes.

  Important Points and Difficult Points

  *Important points: the phases in Part 1 and Part 2

  *Difficult points: Read and comprehend Part 3

  Teaching Procedure

  Step 1 Greeting and warm up

  1. Greetings & singing

  2. Revision (Fill in the blanks):

  wake up, draw pictures, sing songs, have breakfast, read English,go to bed, take pictures, wash clothes, climb mountains, cook supper, clean the floor, take a shower

  3. Di ctation (the above words)

  Step 2 Presentation

  Look at Part 3 and listen to the tape

  Step 3 Practice

  1.Read Part 3 and try to answer the questions in the book (Work in groups, the teacher gives the notes on TV.)

  2.Check the answers

  3. Listen to the tape and read the text (Part 3)

  Step 4 Check up

  1. Check the reading:

  Ask the students to read the text in groups, then one by one

  2. Try it (Part 4)

  Try to say “Hello” in different ways

  3. Assign homework:

  Pre-learning: Write down the answers the questions on the exercise.




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