Who's going to hang a bell

  Who‘s going to hang a bell?

  One day mice who are really scared of the cat gathered around and had a meeting.

  The first mouse said,“More and more mice are killed by the cat these days. Do you have any idea to stop that?

  The second mouse said with a deep sigh.

  “Hiu~We cannot live one day without fear. We’ll die soon.”

  So mice tried to think of a way not to be caught by the cat.

  “I have an idea. How about all of us jumping at him together?”

  “Hmm, that‘s silly. How can we beat the cat?”

  “We shouldn’t dream to fight him. Instead, let‘s think a way we can know if he’s coming.” Mice tried and tried to think it up.

  Then a mouse who kept quiet, stepped forward and said“How about hanging a bell to the cat‘s neck? Then the bell will ring when the cat comes.”“Wow, That’s a good idea. So we can run away when there‘s a bell ringing.” They all clapped with a joy. Then an oldest mouse said,“That’s a very good idea. but who‘s going to hang the bell around the cat’s neck?” Mice just by another‘s face. And one by one hung back to the mouse hole.

















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