A wolf and his shadow

  A wolf and his shadow 狼和它的影子

  When it was getting dark a wolf was walking along the road. 太阳渐渐落下,狼独自走在马路上。

  Then he was startled to see his huge shadow under his feet. 它惊奇地看见自己脚下那大大的影子。

  “Wow, I didn‘t know I was this big!” “哇!我都不知道我是这么的大!“

  The wolf was happy to know it. 这可让狼高兴了。

  As time went by, the sun was going down and his shadow grew bigger and bigger. So it looked a giant. 随着太阳的下落,它的影子越来越长,以至于看上去就象个庞然怪物。

  “Oh, Look at my shadow. I’m this big!!!” “噢,瞧瞧我的影子。我是多么的大啊!!!”

  the wolf thought that he was as big as his shadow. 它以为自己就像自己的影子一样大。

  “I‘m huge and excellent. I don’t need to be afraid of a Lion.” “我是绝对巨大的,我不必要害怕狮子。”

  From then the wolf walked with his shoulders open. 打那以后,狼走路也放松了(肩膀)。

  As he became pompous, he thought of himself as the king of forest. 它得意忘形,认为自己就是森林之王。

  “Why would I fear the Lion? Lion! Come out here! Here‘s your match!” “我怎能害怕狮子?狮子!滚开!你的对手在此!”

  This spread to all over the forest and finally to the Lion. It made Lion very angry, so will went see the wolf. 这消息传遍整个森林,最终狮子知道了。狮子非常生气,于是前去与狼会面。

  “Here I am. I heard you said you can beat me. Now that I’m here, why don‘t you prove it?” “我在这。我听说你说你能揍我,现在,我就在你面前,你为什么不证实一下呢?”

  The Lion’s sharp claw hit the wolf‘s head hard. 狮子那锋利的爪子狠狠地击打在狼的头上。

  “Thump!” “乓!”

  The wolf was knocked out. 狼被击倒在地。

  “Ah, help me!” “噢,救命啊!”

  It was too late when the wolf got to know that he wasn’t as big or strong as the Lion. 狼这才明白,他根本就没有狮子那么大,那么有力。但为时已晚。



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